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A mid-week election saw Richard Mourdock topple long-standing Republican Senator Richard Lugar. Has anybody bothered to ask Mourdock or (Democrat rival) Joe Donnelly’s thoughts on legislation like CISPA and SNOPA? Not this week, when all the talk was about Zuckerberg’s hoodie and President Obama’s evolution on same-sex marriage.

Why the New gTLDs Don’t Matter

Clicking ‘Like’ on Facebook Is Not Protected Speech, Judge Rules

Property rights in the cloud: Your data or theirs?

Twitter Defends User In Court Over Occupy Tweets

Think That Email Isn’t a Contract? Think Again

Facebook bans Grooveshark over copyright complaint

How Should We Measure Damages for Defamation Over Social Media?

Mars Rover Opportunity Rolling Again After Winter Break

New NDAA Would Give the Military Clandestine Cyberwar Powers

“All of my friends who have younger siblings who are going to college or high school – my number one piece of advice is: You should learn how to program.” – Mark Zuckerberg